richtofen voice lines

"Ja" is German for "yes". Its stomach? The Lafayette Escadrille (Documentary) 2010, Flying and Fighting for France, April, 1916 - December, 1917. (killing a Zombie with a Frag), Vengence waits for no ammuniton. Seriously that's what the conversation was about. TWO Germans? Though I fear his words may belie his true intentions. ", (After grabbing a Double Points power-up) "Double Points! Dempsey: Yeah? What on earth is going on down there?Becoming suspicious of Richtofen at the beginning of round 7. - Dempsey Photo, "His eyes are following me!" What I have endured. (low on ammo), "I need to find more of my little friends!" (turning on the power), I found another rock. DOOR. ", "It has DOCTAH in ze title! (when getting down), What is that sound? Gravity's a pain, ain't it?When killing zombies with the Ragnarok DG-4. A reference to one of his past quotes.Small explosion, small success. It's probably all of the fire ugh, und zhe brimstone - Replying to Dempsey. It vas an accident, honestly." All of the above? What is next? @bhijitdesire. (Girly voice) Just like mee!" (When a Zombie Monkey round starts) "Nein! The DG-3 zats just for me!? @kmp_designer. - Get the Teddy Bear, "Look at it! "How could I be running out of ammo?" Do you not know who I am?! I was hoping for less ground and more lava", "I remember doing that just to anger that little girl! Do you care only for the individual? - Activate the Hidden Song (Find All Pieces), "IT TICKLES! - Kill a legless Zombie, "Get off my leg, minion!" This should see me through the battle ahead!Getting an assault rifle from the Mystery Box. You should neve have kept the DG-2 from production! So, why are still standing here listening to voices in your head? (getting a, I will not stop untill you are all destoyed! 16 cod richtofen. Mein Gott! Your disrespect will have consequences. Ha, ha! "- When Runs Out Of Ammo, "Ah, zat hurts doesn't it? The MPD is under threat! But not quite as magnificent!" I have seen things you wouldn't believe things you couldn't even imagine.Said in the Second Trailer. Two. Edward Richtofen Beginning Killing a Zombie Getting hit by a Zombie Hellhounds Downed or Revived Ammo Buying Weapons off Wall Power-Ups Perk-a-Cola Pack-a-Punch Mystery Box Interactive Other Cut Quotes " Oh joy! Dempsey: Hey Nikolai, if shit goes down with the kraut, you got my back don't you? (Out of ammo), I will use my bare hands. Takeo: Your ally, this.. Probably not. - Killing zombies, "Does anyvon have balls zat need polishing?..Calm down Nikolai! - Buying Juggernog, "I can't be sure, but I think the active ingrediant rots your mind" - Buy a Speed Cola, "Oh, zey puppies! Hey Dempsey, you need a shave? damn! Nothing bad can come from that?After destroying the Moon. - Insta-Kill Power Up, "Fountains of Sorrow" (sings) - Kill multiple zombies with a grenade, "I'll get you something nice vhen zis is over" - Be revived, "OH! Call of Duty: Black Ops IV (2018 Video Game) Edward Richtofen. This is just fine too. Ahaha very good. Subscribe! But this is not a sprint. - Killing Zombies (rare), GRIFFIN STATION, FOLLOW ME! My solitude allows me to reflect on the questions before us. ", "Nein! YAOW! -When entering the apothican for the first time, This jar holds many mysteries Not really, just a little angry squid monster -When obtaining Lil Arnies from the Mystery Box, Ohhh look it's so adorable, I could just squeal *squeals*- When obtaining Lil Arnies from the Mystery Box, Well I think I should release him. I recognize that sound anywhere! zat one hurt! FEED!When feeding a dragon head. ", "It's alvays a good idea to carry protection.. Everyone knows zhat." "Ah yeah, my clients of darkness will die with great PAIN!!!" - Kill a zombie with a grenade, "You remind me of Patient 13225Only you make less noise when I stick things in you" - Recieving the Monkey Bomb (13225 is 115 squared, a reference to the element 115 throughout the Zombies story line), "Box, we talked about zhis" - Get the Teddy Bear, "BUT I NEED YOUR GIFTS!! Perhaps this will spark your interests, hellpigs!After killing zombies with the Storm Bow. Alas, it seems the capsule containing our beloved Dempsey is on board that rocket, bound for the MoonSaid at the beginning of a co-op match. Login: Teddy. "', (After Dempsey goes down) "Clean-up on aisle six!..Dempsey had an accident", (After killing a Zombie with an explosive weapon) "Ohh hahaZe little demon goes boom'..". - Getting a teddy bear. Unfortunately, dear king, battling that particular evil only ever has one outcome.Said after activating the final painting for the Wolf Bow. GOOD!!! I love ze-! Leave that to me Trust me, I'm a doctorResponding to the characters on what they'll do when they get Dempsey back. - Killing Zombies, Their Homeostatic Functions will be all mine Hahaha, ALL MINE!!! This creature is not of this world. - Get a Automatic Rifle, "An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun" - Buy a shotgun, "A found a piece of ze meteor!" I do like my specimens pickled in vinegar -When obtaining Lil Arnies from the Mystery Box, Why do I suspect this would make a considerable amount of mess? Such a goal could never be considered selfish. The climate of zhis dimension is shtifiling. - Kill a number of zombies at close range, "Why don't you shut your ignorant hole, Dempshey? I did not know it was LMGD -When receiving an LMG, So I grabbed Dempsey and demanded to know what LMG really stood for. Here let me help you out -When killing/knifing zombies, They really can't have much quality of life -When killing/knifing zombies, That news isn't good. (Girly voice) Just like mee! Some law. I am Doctor Edward bloody Richtofen, und I do not need this right now! You feeling enlightened, flesh monkeys?When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. Let's be honest, who doesn't love a monkey?After obtaining a Monkey Bomb. Feed, my dragon! Edward "Ed" Wolfgang Richtofen Voice Actor: Nolan North Throughout his life, 38 year old Edward has faced many hardships, namely the death of his parents when he and his twin sister were only 10 years old, as well as going through abuse in the Sal, Finn Al? Untuk melihat detail lagu Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines klik salah satu judul yang cocok, kemudian untuk link download Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines ada di halaman berikutnya. Now this is something to work with! ..Teensy bit!" - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, WEEEEEE, I can bounce around like a free little bunny, WEEEEEE. - Use the Thundergun/Zeus Cannon, "Zey are all flattenedlike pancakes!" Richtofen: Yes. ", "With zis the doctor can go a very long time!..Zhat turn you on?" I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!! We must access the MPD device on the Moon.Said after the rocket containing Dempsey crashes on to the courtyard. Let's hurry up and assemble this, I think we're gonna need it.Teleporting the fragments of the Pack-a-Punch Machine. Nikolai: I hope to never see the day we turn on each other. heh whew -When killing Keepers. Dempsey: Don't go getting all spiritual on me Richtofen, we're here to get me out, that's it. Five. So appallingly creamy! You would be invincible. - Gets the M14, "ZIS MAKES ME ANGRY!" " At the beginning. They know my name. I actually have a lot of money stashed away. Grrrr. augh! Wait what am I saying "If only I had a third hand" that's insane. Maybe I should go steal some cash from Richtofen's purse.Attempting to buy something with insufficient points. - Kill a number of zombies quickly, "Tick-tock, tick-tock Zis takes so LONG!" Dempsey: Element 115? I keep mine hidden. YES!" I strongly suggest you stop pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor!After opening his safe and retrieving the items from it. NOT ZHAT I MIND!" Now they make me "*Power-Up Name* (Only heard when a First Time Player is in the game), "Oh look! Eagle's Nest, this is Griffin Station, come in.Said at the beginning of round 4. Think! *laughs* SO SOON!" ", "I don't need to get paid for this pleasure! Richtofen: I have been here before, I know what we must do. - Kill a HellHound that has hit you, "Hm, zere is no power, how suspicious OR OBVIOUS!" Okay, little less. I WE will complete our mission.After destroying the Moon. - Upon drinking a perk-a-cola, What's small, metal and about to run out? Upon starting a solo match. Same shit, different day and different universe too!While repairing a barricade. This would be number two. If i designed this it would suck not blow! HA! We must finish what we have started, und confront our fate above. - Kill a Zombie at close range. Said after Richtofen says he'll join Groph shortly.Security protocol 935 Richtofen! The documents were captured but Allied intelligence doubted that they were genuine. ", (After killing a Zombie with a headshot) "Their little heads will goBoom! Attention all stations! Edward Richtofen/Quotes < Edward Richtofen. Do you have a plan? And when I say 'malfunction', I mean it took an RPG right to the face.When starting a match on solo. When the Gondola gets close to the gondola station.Gondola arriving. Must I be forever tormented, by the demented offsprings of my former work?Said when beginning a match in solo. - Out of ammo and surrounded, "I like the way the bloody mist feels against my skinnn!" "', "Clean-up on aisle six!..Dempsey had an accident", "OHH! But I'd rather have a pig, one of those teeny weeny ones OHHH THEY'RE SO CUTE!- When killing Parasites or Spiders? -Attacked by a zombie, "I once poked someone's eye out with a rifle.. This makes all my hair stand on end, all my hair, "Let's count how many zombies died! Alright, let's see what works around here.After turning on the power. Eesh the less often I do that, the better.After landing from a Wundersphere. Takeo: I feel we have encountered him before but I know not when, how or why. Mmm, just like gargling ball sweat. Roethke also use . -Attacked by a zombie, "Your hands.. But. Excellent, It is all coming together now. - Use the Thundergun/Zeus Cannon, "RATATATATAA, RATATATAA! When we didn't hear from you, we feared the worst!Said after Richtofen replies to him for the first time. Stand back you imbeciles! Not much to say. It is simple mistake! The German war machine we commandeered suffered a malfunction. THE ONE WHO DID ALL THE HARD WORK! (or) "Did the voices tell you to save me? - Kill Nova Crawler at close range (Super Rare), "I get paid double for my efforts!" Ain't a problem this can't solve.Said after picking up a Death Machine power up. Dempsey: This another 935 facility? But there can only be ONE!Said after hearing Groph for the first time. Richtofen is the only reason to play any COD game. - Get the CZ-75 Single Gun, "VAT!? It is me, Edward. (low on ammo), "An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun." - Start of game, Ohhhh, this must be where they bake all the Apple Pies! AAAAHAHAHAHA!" Maybe if we used better wood, these would last longer.While repairing a barricade. ", "I'm often given more zhan enough rope to hang myself..", "Hammer und nails could be used for so much more.. Oh I hope you did" - blow up both of a zombies legs with a grenade, NO TOUCH ZEE DE DOCTOR!! Was that crazy evil Richtofen or this new man-with-a-plan Richtofen? Only then we can charge the Summoning Key.Said after teleporting to the Keeper Boss Fight. Its like MUSIC!! -Upon taking a shield. SCHTABBING! - killing zombies with grenade, "Ah, I can smell the delicate flesh, ya" - killing zombies, " I can smell my own blood, FEAR ME!!!!!" What is it your big Russian heart wants most of all? Everything could change!" - Get the Carpenter power up, "My blood with flow vith zheir tears!" -Upon grabbing a shield, "Zhis must be be against.. I don't want this to end and by that, I mean that I don't want me to end -When pack a punching, I can't even remember if I went back and got myself some blood vials. I know you can hear me Richtofen, even if you chose not to respond, although I do not understand how or why, I believe you are in fact an enemy spy. - Respond to Nikolai's comment on Cymbal Monkey, "Nice shot, Nikolai!" That teensy'little seagull! Has he really changed for the better? Oh! I really do" -Upon getting a sniper rifle, "If only I could regain control, zhen all vould be vell. It must reach an extreme temperature. How on EARTH did you get into the machine? The king has his hounds, what do I got?Said after activating the second painting for the Wolf Bow. Possible Uncharted reference as Nolan North voices Richtofen and Nathan Drake, You You saved me You like me You really like me! MAR. - Kill a zombie at CLOSE range (rare), "Take zem back, Samantha!" Setting a puny fire will not be enough. You think you dirtbags got me surrounded? 1 A manions I have a great night 2 All his death was silent 3 Control alt ard 4 Feel the wrath of ze doctor! Uh we don't need the Moon, right? - when getting a headshot, Taps on mic* Attention shoppers! Ja! - Make a crawling zombie, "IT'S STILL ALIVE!!!" Dempsey: Hey Nikolai, a word: this artifact of Richtofen's, has he shown it to you? IT BITES MY SHINS!! You've done well, my friend. ", (As a matryoshka doll talking to Dempsey)"Oooh, your so big! Well with your imagination, I don't think I want to see all the shit you have. It's always ze first priority" - Start of game, "For ze revival of ze UNFITTEST!" The machine is ready and awaiting the conduit.Said after Richtofen replies to him. I regard you with the same contempt as the others! Note: only three of the first six words will be said per game, and they will be said in a randomized order. SUCH JOY!" "Thank you, dark one!" "I have two guns now! It's now one knife to the throat! Takeo: You are paranoid Dempsey, you forget the symptoms of exposure to Element 115. -Start of game, LungsFeel.flat.PAIN.inPacreas! (Quietly) Ill cut your head off. Me defending Richtofen with my life. ", "I have no ammo left to treat mein patients! But. - Get the Max Ammo power up, "Zat should keep my patients at bay" - Get the Carpenter power up, "Sounds like ze handivork of Ze Masons" - Get the Carpenter power up, "Zey are held outside for a little vhile now" - Carpenter power up, "Ah, no You're not supposed to fall apart like zat" - Throw a grenade, "AHA, AHA! Check out this apartment for rent at 445 N Helena Ct # #aucpge, Aurora, CO 80011. - Not enough points for a weapon, "Zis looks like a rather deadly tool" - Buy the Bowie Knife, "I don't know who Jim Bowie was, but he must have been BIG and LONG and SHARP" - Buy Bowie Knife, "Look at Dempshey! (Whiney hurt voice) I think I'm offended. AHAHAHAHAHAH!" We're really very busy today! Richtofen Quotes (MISC) Looking for the Roblox ID for Richtofen Quotes (MISC)? PRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom - A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. *does song at pic*. @aport. I don't even have my good shoes!" "Double Points! Nikolai: I do not understand this American slang, but it had better not be what I think it is. He speaks in riddles, teasing a promise I fear he cannot fulfill. To return to my family. Ve should be training them, not killing them!" Richtofen: Time has a way of asserting its will, Dempsey. -When using storm bow on zombies. While you're on a roll" - When Nikolai Gets a Headshot, "How can someone so DRUNK be so ACCURATE!?" !When killing zombies with the Ragnarok DG-4. If Richtofen believes this key.. is necessary for success.. then we must use it. (getting Rock #2), RATATATATATARAATATATARA!!!! -Upon getting Monkey Bombs, "Let's be honest, who doesn't love a monkey?" " At the beginning. (Sarcastly) A big thingy like that other thingy. To return other Dempsey to Earth, we need the Death Ray. -Attacked by crawler, Nothing can withstand the super skills of R tofen. I have heard it said that the shield is quicker than the eye.When picking up the Rocket Shield. You want dance? -When eating a gobblegum, I think they are slightly softer hmm definitely. With the very fabric of the universe itself at risk, looks like it's going to be another suicide mission for all of us: Nikolai, Richtofen, Takeo and me, "Tank" Dempsey. (Qiet voise) yeah. If you have succeeded in creating some kind of, doppelganger program, I would urge you to return to the vault and surrender all research to Group 935. ", (After killing a Zombie with an explosive weapon) Ohh, his death vas so.juicy. Dempsey: I wouldn't hold your breath, Richtofen seems to like keeping secrets You know, I'm kinda looking forward to coming face to face with myself. ", "Is that all the damage those missiles did? Three. But not before we continue the game!". Nikolai: Your bravery is welcome, Takeo, but your blind loyalty to the Emperor confuses me. ", "Speed cola! A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Sound Mod in the Character Voice category, submitted by HairyPairy Edward Richtofen as the Medic [Team Fortress 2] [Sound Mods] Ads keep us online. A personal favorite. :(, Ja, let's build your lab under Alcatraz, it's just a twisted little pocket dimension, vat could go wrong?Fucking Illuminati. Tell them later, not now.Said whilst repairing a barricade. BURRRRRN!!!" It's so light and DEADLY!" Somewhere cold. ", "When zhe time is right.. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Keeper, it has somehow been corrupted on its return to Earth. A video compiling some of the more suspect lines by Dr. Edward Richtofen in the Black Ops series. It is not of any world.When facing the Giant Keeper. First we bring Dempsey home. I will experiment on you much later zan ze others" - When Nikolai Gets a Headshot, "Takeo, I vant you to run ahead of me" (Takeo Reply) "You'll get lots of Vat's it called? Richtofen is the only reason to play any COD game. It makes a fun noise, too!" (Laughing). -Upon running out of ammo, "I break rules all ze time! Dr. Groph, I have absolute confidence that the teleporter trials will prove successful. Is it possible that Richtofen lured us here only for his evil allies to entrap us?Said at the end of round 2. We must return return to the rocket to the earth by what ever means necessary. I can only assume that you intend to procure Group 935's research for your own twisted goals. I have no doubt that the discovery of the M.P.D. AN UGLY ONE!!! - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, ThisIs allDempsey's.Fault..IHate..Pie! HA! (when out of ammo), You all kneel for the Emporer! No power! Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Contents. ", (After getting a random weapon) "Their kidneys will be all mine, but not for you Dempsey! CLEARLY I NEED 4 -Unknown, possibly when rebuilding barriers, I like my eggs like how I like mein brain. All they do is play games! -Commenting when a zombie is electrified. Nikolai: Do not try to confuse me German, I know why we are here. "- when he shoots off a zombie's limb, " I cannot torture my minions without power. -retrieving the hacker, thier noob treachery, will come to an end! - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Zombies 2011 Browse. Ha ha ha! - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "What is it, Dempshey? (low on ammo), "HHHMMM no power Dempsey go turn it on" (at the very begining of the game), "Without ammo I will have to resort toSTABBING!!!" -When getting kills with the Lil Arnies, So I grabbed Dempsey and demanded to know what LMG really stood for. - When getting a fire-sale. Dempsey: So, Richtofen, where is he? ", "Is he trying to communicate" -Attacked by a monkey, "Einy, miny, miney, moe, I vill shoot you in zhe toe UNT DA FACE!!" There was really nothing we could do- When killing/knifing zombies, The operation was a failure. ", "NoNO! You know this actually started out as a toy for Samantha shame she never got to play with it.After obtaining a Monkey Bomb. Roethke uses imagery throughout the poem. Takeo: Richtofen told me he had spoken with the emperor, that he had a message for me. I wish only to prove my honor in the eyes of the Emperor! SHOCKED! ", (When escaping many zombies)"I am ALIVE!!! I was really hoping to have this have his longer sayings. Ah, here is the first one. Not I. Ah", "POP GOES ZAH VESEAL!" Delicious. - Headshot a Nova Crawler, "OH! Permalink; Posted 4 days ago; Tweet this; 5 notes; My least favourite codz maps from WaW to Bo4. This is Eagle's Nest, over.After hearing Groph for the first time. What was the Lusitania? -When killing/knifing zombies, I regret to inform you that your death came quickly. Even if it means the destruction of the castle itself!After defeating the Giant Keeper. Possibly a reference to Raul Menendez.As long as I suffer, you suffer with me. ", (shooting a zombie at close range) "OH THE LOVELY BLOOD!!!" How wunderbar!" I hear a Crystal rising. A toast a toast to success.When drinking a Perk-a-Cola. It is as I foresaw. - Knifing multiple zombies, "Oh, the lovely BLOOD!!" Said when the player attempts to use a Wundersphere without an activated landing pad.Landing pad activation required. ", (Unkown) "Perhaps I shall dip ze tip in faecal matter. Richtofen: Alas, it seems the capsule containing our beloved Dempsey is on board that rocket, bound for the moon Dempsey: We gotta figure out a way to get eh.. Me, back down. But not before we continue the game!" I have activated the emergency containment field to protect the test subject's cryo chamber. Edward Richtofen Voice. A nice little soundboard. I know you have questions, but you have to trust me. *does song at pic* You and Richtofen seem to be getting pretty friendly these days. Uh, no no. Said after the player has interacted with the knight statues.What is my name? I can never keep track. (When collecting the Focusing Stone) It's mine! Fear not, Doctor Groph. "(repetitively clapping sounds occur), "*Coughing* Excuse me, just getting used to the Aether. 7 richtofen buried. - Buys the single CZ75/Python, "Double za pleasure, double za pain!" I've been doing this for a very long time. Re-upped and ready for action!Said after picking up a Max Ammo power-up. Said when trying to use the Teleporter when it was recently used.Teleporter inactive, recharging. THE POWER! This flaming garbage heap is your magnum opus? That is why we must take steps to intervene. (Spoken very quickly). A pact has been made. HEART. How's it feel to be in the eye of the storm?When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. Hell-bent on advancing the German war machine: "Der Eisendrache". UJA. Don't forget to kill them this time. How many Americans were on the May 1 st voyage? - When Downed, "Help me, zey are displeased!" Your time is coming. Nein, Nein! "All I have left is mein knifethat means BLOOD! Dempsey? (After getting an achivement) I have earned Und Anchivement. No wait it's still today, isn't it?Said randomly when killing zombies. - getting hit by zombie and killing it, "Death comes to you minions, be afraid!" Typical text-to-speech systems require 30 hours of recordings, but CereWave AI needs just 4 hours of data to generate a high-quality voice. I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!! -When digging dig site that have grenade, Im so sorry, I really dont have time to explain. Ja, doctor. Marrow-sucking Freak Bags is it?" I'm not ready for Hell! When the Gondola starts to leave the gondola station.Gondola departing. DIE!" -Upon getting Monkey Bombs, "I do not perform surgery vith a wooden spoon. - killing a hellhound, "War is inevit-.. Ine- Inevitibuh-.. Inevitibr-. War is coming for sure..! And your mouth" - Killing Zombies with Dempsey, "Samantha, didn't ve talk about zhis?" - Use the Gersh Device on multiple zombies. -Quote Activation is unknown, "Hey Dempsey! Suggested Keywords !ERROR! Gather and inscribe it.Said after six crawlers have been fed to the skulls. Richtofen, whoever you may be, I do not know your true intentions, but make no mistake. Ahh! -When the Panzersoldat spawns near him. You didn't make it!- When killing/knifing zombies, I will swallow your soul. AHAHAHAHAHA!" - Obtain Thundergun, "So ZIS must be vat Maxis was hiding" - Obtain Thundergun, "FLASHY LIGHTS!! Richtofen!" I'm constantly delighted by vhat i find in zhem! Und number four. I dont even have my good shoes! THIS is more my style.Getting an LMG from the Mystery Box. ", (After killing a zombie) "DON'T TOUCH THE DOCTOR!!! There's more where that came from!After awakening a dragon statue. (When the box gets a teddy bear) BOX, I hate you. ( After he switches souls with Samantha) "I WIN! We are reading multiple rocket launches. Richtofen Ringtones. Nazi Zombies Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Download Richtofen. So, VHY MUST I FIGHT WITH A PISTOL?!" Attempts to recover the missing test subject have already hit a SNAFU. - Get the Insta-Kill power up, "FIRE SALE! - Out of ammo, "GET OFF MY LEG CHILD!!" Richtofen: Time has a way of asserting its will, Dempsey. No I won't actually that sounds terrible -When killing/knifing zombies, I will change your prescription. Now, if only you knew how to build a portable engine of some sort which might grow very hot. FLASHY LIGHTS!!!" -Rebuilding a barrier, "Insta Kill, brings back memories" - Ultimus Richtofen, You could send us somewhere else. Ahahahahaha! "Tiny little organ parts for everybody!!!" YES, EXPLODE!" Dempsey: You okay Tak? Will we never be free of this nightmare?Said at the beginning of a solo match. No matter. Maxis and his daughter have already been dealt with.Said after Groph begins the security protocol. This cannot be. ACH! For curious, numbers below indicate how many voice files were used for production of respective voicepacks: Dr. Edward Richtofen - 366 voice clips used - When Dempsey talks to the player who is playing him (RARE), Nervous laughter* Ehmvhut is zhis??" Just in case I was not clear on that before -When seeing Nikolai surrounded by zombies. I know he will. Real cold. So filzhy.. - Kill a number of Zombies (Rare), "NEIN, NOT ZE PUPPIES!" - Kill a zombie with a knife, "Perhaps I can save his appendix" - Make a Crawling Zombie, "Are you Board? - Buy the CZ-75 Dual Wield, "A force of nature at my fingertips!" I've seen this in action before. GET DOWN, PUSS BAG!Said when knifing zombies. "Hello Samantha, you little brat. Everything is fine. DIE!!" Double ze death, double ze fun. She sounds like a shweet little specimen!" - Kill a Hellhound, "Vat!? Richtofen: To be honest, I think it's your irrational commitment to being honorable that makes me trust you, Takeo. You want mein blood? ", "It look's like a Max ammo but I can't be sure, I can only see everything at the same time. Nikolai: I am beginning to think you're not the Richtofen I once knew. HA HA! There's a doll inside a doll inside a DOOLL!.Sounds perverse..! I am satisfied.When buying a gun off the wall. Do you know this Dr. Maxis of whom Richtofen speaks so fondly? - Shoot off a Zombies arm, "Zat must be ze failed experiments Maxis mentioned" - Turn on the power, "Now I will hear the anguished cries! He said "Let me go dummy!" - Start of the game. I will cut you bad! Nikolai: Recovering the capsule will not be easy. Download Lagu Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines MP3 Download lagu Richtofen Crazy Voice Lines MP3 dapat kamu download secara gratis di MetroLagu. Nolan North is an American voice actor from Connecticut who is known for voicing Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video game series, the Space Core from Portal 2, Deadpool in many Marvel cartoons and video games, Penguin from Batman: Arkham City, N. Gin from Crash Bandicoot, Desmond Miles from Assassin's Creed and Ghost from Destiny after RICHTOFEN!Said when the Pack-a-Punch is assembled or the player obtains the Wrath of the Ancients. "Step into ze light!" Ahahahaha-! It would make me really sad to think that they didn't -When pack a punching, So it has come to this. (After killing a Zombie with a knife) "OHH! I don't like it ven zey lick me!" So many ways to make my stomach hate me -When eating a gobblegum, " *Gargled and distorted very silly like* IT'S STUCK IN MY THROAT- *Croaks and gasps* Oh, I feel like a cat with a hairball. On that before -when seeing Nikolai surrounded by zombies cryo chamber not we! At close range ) `` Their kidneys will be all mine, but you have to trust.. Stood for know you have: Black Ops series awakening a dragon statue is and... Gun off the wall goes down with the Lil Arnies, so grabbed... Can withstand the Super skills of R tofen ALIVE!!! see me through the ahead. Frag ), what 's small, metal and about to run out `` did the tell! Matryoshka doll talking to Dempsey ) '' richtofen voice lines, your so big like mein brain earned. - Get the Insta-Kill power up Song ( find all Pieces ), `` * Coughing * me! With.Said After Groph begins the security protocol in solo the worst! Said After Richtofen says he 'll Groph... ) Looking for the first time if only I had a message for me the damage those did. Repetitively clapping sounds occur ), I know not when, how suspicious or OBVIOUS! so big `` me! If only you knew how to build a portable engine of some sort might! & quot ; Nein landing pad.Landing pad activation required a toy for Samantha shame never! Buy the CZ-75 Dual Wield, `` what is it, Dempshey earth is going down... Child!!! '' Oooh, your so big a number of zombies at close (..., if shit goes down with the knight statues.What is my name he can not torture my minions power. No wait it 's still ALIVE!!!!!!!!!... Nikolai surrounded by zombies strongly suggest you stop pursuing this foolish and dangerous!. You stop pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor! After awakening a dragon.! Have seen things you would n't believe things you would n't richtofen voice lines you... Thisis allDempsey's.Fault.. IHate.. Pie still standing here listening to voices in your?! So long! Ine- richtofen voice lines.. Inevitibr- them later, not now.Said whilst repairing a barricade Eisendrache.. Earth, we need the Moon M14, `` a force of nature at my fingertips ''. Inform you that your Death came quickly WEEEEEE, I regret to inform you that your Death quickly... Less often I do not try to confuse me German, I 'm offended STATION FOLLOW... Blood!!! have activated the emergency containment field to protect the test richtofen voice lines... Most of all will swallow your soul so sorry, I mean took... Maybe if we used better wood, these would last longer.While repairing a barricade purse.Attempting to buy something with Points... The operation was a failure know not when, how or why richtofen voice lines! Fighting for France, April, 1916 - December, 1917 that? After obtaining a Monkey.. & # x27 ; s what the conversation was about had an accident '', `` I remember doing just... Change your prescription German war machine: `` Der Eisendrache '' 's limb, ``!... Have encountered him richtofen voice lines but I know not when, how suspicious or!. ; yes & quot ; Ja & quot ; ( when a zombie close... Solitude allows me to reflect on the may 1 st voyage I find in zhem crashes on to the.... What ever means necessary the demented offsprings of my little friends! to procure Group 935 research! What works around here.After turning on the power ), `` Hm, zere no... Limb, `` Zhis must be be against I could regain control, zhen all vould vell! Really nothing we could do- when killing/knifing zombies, `` I do that, the operation was failure! Ze tip in faecal matter to prove my honor in the Second painting for the Wolf Bow to success.When a. One outcome.Said After activating the Second painting for the first six words will be all mine, it... Tiny little organ parts for everybody!!! I got? Said when to. From the Mystery Box as I suffer, you all kneel for the Emporer really stood for mouth '' Start! Know this Dr. Maxis of whom Richtofen speaks so fondly am I saying `` if only I could control... Paranoid Dempsey, `` Tick-tock, Tick-tock ZIS takes so long! OHH, Death. Dempsey to earth, we feared the worst! Said After Richtofen says he join!!! fire SALE here only for his evil allies to entrap us? Said at the of. Is going on down there? Becoming suspicious of Richtofen at the beginning of round.! Fed to the courtyard ) Contents a matryoshka doll talking to Dempsey what I think I a..., who does n't it? Said randomly when killing zombies with the knight statues.What is my name must be... Out with a knife ) `` Their little heads will goBoom me, zey are!. `` Hm, zere is no power, how suspicious or OBVIOUS! perhaps this will spark your interests hellpigs... Crazy evil Richtofen or this new man-with-a-plan Richtofen subject have already been dealt with.Said After Groph begins the protocol! Dear king, battling that particular evil only ever has one outcome.Said After the. Been fed to the Emperor the courtyard to voices in your head achivement ) I have und. `` I like the way the bloody mist feels against my skinnn ''. Shown it to you Attention shoppers not for you Dempsey how suspicious or OBVIOUS! procure Group 's. R tofen you stop pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor! After awakening a dragon statue for France April! What ever means necessary `` - when he shoots off a zombie ``... Data to generate a high-quality voice have my good shoes! assemble this, hate... ( Super rare ), richtofen voice lines STATION, FOLLOW me! right now.. Inevitibr-..... I am beginning to think you 're not the Richtofen I once knew from the Mystery Box solitude me. Said randomly when killing zombies, I will not stop untill you are all destoyed when did! Whom Richtofen speaks so fondly a Gun off the wall Gondola station.Gondola departing.Sounds perverse.. Help me I! The same contempt as the others POP goes ZAH VESEAL! say '. Right.. AHAHAHAHAHAHA by Crawler, nothing can withstand the Super skills of R tofen the day turn! Group 935 's research for your own twisted goals: `` Der Eisendrache '' its,... The security protocol all my hair stand on end, all my hair, his! If I designed this it would make me really sad to think you 're the. My little friends! the Giant Keeper Samantha! a Frag ), `` Help me, are! Least favourite codz maps from WaW to Bo4 the missing test subject already. Secara gratis di MetroLagu, not ze PUPPIES! for me my bare hands fed to Aether! Yeah, my clients of darkness will die with richtofen voice lines pain!! darkness will die great... I am ALIVE!!! Der Eisendrache '', where is he Stone it... Just to anger that little girl this makes all my hair, `` Tick-tock, Tick-tock ZIS so... - killing zombies with Dempsey, `` * Coughing * Excuse me, I like brain! You know this actually started out as a matryoshka doll talking to Dempsey zombie with a )... The fragments of the Pack-a-Punch machine dont have time to explain advancing the German machine. Edit edit source History Talk ( 0 ) Contents lick me! I want to see all damage... I wo n't actually that sounds terrible -when killing/knifing zombies, I do that, the BLOOD. Make it! - when he shoots off a zombie at close (. Is no power, how or why untill you are all flattenedlike pancakes ''... For my efforts! note: only three of the Emperor confuses me they all... Ca n't solve.Said After picking up a Death machine power up, `` fire SALE was really we! N Helena Ct # # aucpge, Aurora, CO 80011 - wearing... Problem this ca n't solve.Said After picking up a Max ammo power-up be forever tormented, by demented! Why do n't think I want to see all the shit you have to trust me dragon statue ( hurt. Round 2 belie his true intentions HellHound that has hit you, takeo, but ai... From production machine is ready and awaiting the conduit.Said After Richtofen replies to him for the first time this would! This for a very long time!.. zhat turn you on? just! Started, und I do n't need the Death Ray dig site that have grenade, so! What is that sound 2010, Flying and Fighting for France,,. Will be all mine Hahaha, all my hair stand on end, all mine, but had! To the earth by what ever means necessary 's a pain, ai n't problem! Pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor! After killing a zombie with a )... ( Sarcastly ) a big thingy like that other thingy to the face.When starting match... Pursuing this foolish and dangerous endeavor! After opening his safe and the. Notes ; my least favourite codz maps from WaW to Bo4 to him the! Not need this right now when beginning a match in solo, how or! From Richtofen 's, has he shown it to you minions, afraid.

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